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Together again!

After such a long time of being apart and working so hard to minimize the risk of COVID-19, it was great to celebrate the small win of socially distanced bingo.

The game included masks and spaced seating, but for the first time since March we were able to host a small game of bingo with players together in the same room. In the previous months, activities such as this took place in doorways and down hallways. It is nice to begin the move back toward some normal group activities.

Also in the win column was the restart of the Sit and Be Fit classes held in the chapel.

It’s been a long five months, but at long last there’s hope for a return to normalcy. We’ve even been able to host a few visits with residents’ family members, who can schedule weekly visits with their loved ones. Each visit can only last 30 minutes and must be held outdoors on the covered porch or the front patio area.

Each resident can have two visitors per day, with masking and social distancing required. This means we still can’t hug or kiss our loved ones. But we’re thrilled that there are encouraging signs that life might one day return to normal.

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